Whitefall is a VR narrative exploration survival game set in the frozen alien planet Anyu. Play as Eira Aqua, a young scientist.
Explore and discover the history and secrets of this planet while trying to survive the extreme cold.
My contributions to Whitefall
I designed and implemented the user interface.
I created and implemented the dialogue system into the game.
I worked with the audio designer to implement all the music.
Designed and implemented the temperature system into the game.
Added interactivity.
General VR considerations.
Added gameplay functionality.​​
Worked with artists to bring functionality to objects.
Optimised performance for Meta Quest 2.
Gameplay Walkthrough
I am very proud of how Whitefall turned out. It was my first large VR project, and it taught me a lot. However, I feel like the core game mechanics were lacking in the experience and I feel this was due to a lack of vision towards the beginning of the project. This is something I will bear in mind during future projects. This project has taught me the necessity of performance and constant builds as we discovered during multiple points some major performance issues which we easily resolved thanks to our weekly builds.